2025 Annual Pledge

Living and Loving Generously

Annual Pledge at Christ Church Cathedral

The ministry of Christ Church Cathedral is made possible by the generosity and sacrifice of the members of our current beloved community and those who have gone before us. Each year we ask those who faithfully attend Christ Church Cathedral to prayerfully consider what they can give in the upcoming year, and fill out a pledge card committing to a specific amount.

The amount pledged is what we commit to giving to support the activities of our Cathedral. For planning purposes, we ask you to share how you will give your pledge – one-time, quarterly, or through recurring giving.

Over the next several months, we will be turning our efforts towards living and loving generously and embracing the opportunity to give, to grow, and to serve together as a community. The life and work, the ministry and mission of the Cathedral, is dependent on everyone participating and giving as we are able. Generations who shared this journey before us, gave of themselves so that the Cathedral can continue to meet the ever- growing and varied needs of God’s people.

As we continue in their footsteps and forge new pathways of possibility in Christ in our time, we are asking you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to live and love generously in this season of possibility, hope, and great challenge. We invite you to consider your fiscal pledge for the coming year. Every pledge, no matter the size, is a testament to our shared commitment to the work God has called us to do together.

Our goal is to raise $400,000, and to have 175 pledging households commit to giving. The needs in our city have grown significantly and inflation has made it harder to meet those needs. If you are able, would you prayerfully consider increasing your pledge this year by 10%.

If you have any questions or need assistance setting up your pledge or donation, please email jhering@cccath.org, or call 513-621-1817.

Pledge now.

2025 Annual Pledge Card

Please fill out this form to inform us of your pledge for 2025.

Set up your 2025 online giving by clicking GIVE NOW.